Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 46 - One of the best weeks so far

This week was one of the most amazing weeks I have had on my mission so far! We were truly blessed, and were led by the spirit to people who are interested in learning more about the gospel!

On Monday we had a great P-day! We grilled at the church and played sports and celebrated memorial day! At 6 o'clock it was back to work. So the whole night we knocked on doors. We met a man named Andreas and taught him about the Restoration of the Gospel. It was a wonderful experience! We learned a ton from the lesson we had with him

On Tuesday we had a amazing day, too! We started the day off by visiting someone that had been taught by missionaries before. We taught him about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he told us that he wants to make changes now, and wasn't ready the first time the missionaries taught him. Then we went over to Bishop Cloves' house and had an amazing dinner made by Sister Cloves and the Sister Missionaries. After that we went to find more people to teach. We knocked on tons of doors. But one door was so funny!!! We knocked on the door and a teenage girl answered the door she was probably 16 or 17. Her face was priceless, she was in complete and utter shock! She said "I don't know what to say!" We proceeded to tell her about what our purpose is as missionaries. I didn't seem to sink into her brain though because she was just staring at us! She told us that we could come back and talk with her whole family!! We were super excited.

Wednesday we went to West Liberty. We had an amazing lesson with a member who has not attended church in a very long time. He wants to come back but realizes he will have to change a lot, so we are starting with baby steps. The rest of his family are not members of the church so we are also teaching them. 

Thursday I woke up with a pretty bad cold. We had an awesome district meeting, got our car fixed at Good Year, and to wrap the day up we taught Kat and her mom Catalina and left them to read more about the restoration of the gospel. 

Friday we had an amazing exchange with our Zone leaders!! I was pretty exhausted from having no sleep the night before but we went out and hit the ground running, finding many people to teach and contacting many Hispanic people!!

Saturday we did a lot of service and had a wonderful dinner with Ross #1 Hawk Eye fan! And the baptismal font we have been building is almost done!!!

Sunday was amazing we had a great Sabbath day and had an amazing dinner with the Heath Family. Brother Heath helps us out a ton here in Muscatine. He teaches Spanish at a college here, and comes to a lot of lessons with us.

This week I learned that when you are afflicted yet choose to go to work and do everything you can, the Lord will bless you for your efforts and help you get through it. The spirit definitely carried me a couple times this week.  

I love you all!!!
Elder Roberts

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