Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 39 - Lots of biking in tornado country

Here's a recap of my week in Muscatine, Iowa!!!  I want to start off with the weather:
Monday through Friday it was nice
Saturday it rained off and on 
Sunday it poured and a tornado touched down 20 minutes away in West Liberty.
Monday it is snowing :(
We all thought Spring had officially started. We thought wrong haha
So Monday we had a great P-day! We played sports at the church for most of our P-day with the missionaries who are serving in the Muscatine ward.

Tuesday we had a Zone training Meeting in Washington.  While traveling there the splash guard underneath our car started to hang down, and it made a pretty crazy sound going 75mph... So we pulled over and tried to fix it. With no success because we had no tool we looked for things in our cars. We ended up finding a bread clip and clipped the guard back up in the car. And to this day that is still what is holding it up hahaha Zone training Meeting was great!

Wednesday we biked everywhere! We had great lessons with some of the people we are teaching. But most the day was us trying people and them not being there. Our legs were so tired by the end of the night.

Thursday I woke up super sore, and it was back to the bikes for us! We had an unplanned lesson that was amazing with our investigator Angel, and we also got in contact with a woman named Julieta who has talked with missionaries before, and wants us to teach her again!!

Friday we had a great weekly planning session, and planned out next week. We are going to be going on exchanges on Thursday this week with the Assistants, which I am super excited for!!

Saturday we went on exchanges with the other set of elders here in Muscatine, and had a great time doing the Lord's work. We also started to build a baptismal font in a member's backyard (he has a river going through his yard)!!

Sunday we had an amazing fast and testimony meeting!!! The spirit was so strong and I was so grateful for the testimonies shared. Then after church we had some terrific lessons! While at a member's home the tornado siren went off. And it wasn't a test, so we ate dinner and just kept our eyes out the outside while eating!

This week we saw many small and simple miracles, and I am truly grateful for those.

My tip for everyone this week.....If you want to ruin a pair of suit pants, just ride a bike with no chain guard :)

Elder Roberts

Birthday pics

Service project:

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