Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 84 - Translados!!!

Well we got transfer calls from President Jensen this morning, and I will be moved again!! :)

I am headed to Des Moines, I'm pretty sure, and I am soooooo excited! It was hard leaving Iowa City the first time and all the wonderful people I have met, and I have a feeling it will be harder the 2nd time. I am very excited for Margarita; she will be baptized this Saturday!! We have been teaching her since I have been here, and she is so prepared! I won't be able to attend the baptism because I will be to far away, but "my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God".

This past week/transfer has been so crazy and full of surprises! Having 5 different companions within a transfer was really hectic at times, but I am grateful for the growth that comes when the Lord stretches you! 
I am excited to continue to press forward and work with diligence in this miraculous work! If you want to be successful, understand the reason why we are to be obedient, and then live it!!

Elder Roberts  

Elder R with his most recent comps:

Mom and Dad met with one of Elder Roberts' companions (from when he was in Perry):

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 83 - Could it get crazier....


So this week I am going to give a re-cap of my week backwards!

Yesterday (Sunday)- I got a call from President Jensen and he said he would be switching my life up again, haha!
He called at 8am and told me to be at the stake center at 11am ready to get 2 new companions!! So I have now had 5 new companions within 5 weeks..... I love how the Lord works!! I have grown a lot and love the opportunity to continue to accept things with faith as my anchor.

So I am now serving with Elder Marting and Elder Edmunds. We will be covering my area and will light it on fire before transfers come around next Thursday! 

Saturday- We had a great day of work and then headed to Muscatine to see a woman I taught while I was there (M) enter into a covenant with our Heavenly Father and be baptized!!! It was so awesome to be able to be there! It was the best Valentine's day I will ever have.

Friday- Elder Porter had the stomach flu.

Thursday- We had district meeting and I gave a training about "understanding the importance of personal revelation" and also the "necessity for the spirit in conversion".

Wednesday- We worked in North Liberty and we had a great lesson with A and invited him to do his part and act in faith.

Tuesday- We had an amazing lesson with M and taught her about the Law of Tithing.  Ten minutes into the lesson she said "why would anyone not live this?
We are super excited for her and she is so ready for her baptism on the 28th of February!!


Elder Roberts

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 82 - Bought new dress shoes

I am not frozen, but we have been pretty close to it!
We are still working in both areas and will be for 2 more weeks until transfers.
I got the package thank you so much!!!!!!!! It was the first thing I have gotten since Christmas :)

I'll try to write a letter this week :)

I would love the family pictures you guys took and a picture of Dad's car :)

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 81 - Exchanges, Exchanges...

I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve with Elder Porter and Elder Broadbent!! I have learned a lot from them and continue to love serve the Lord more and more everyday!! They are great examples to me and help me strive to be the best I can be!

So this week has been a lot of shifting, packing suitcases, and teaching the gospel which all and all is just what every missionary wants!! :)

On Monday we had P-day. 

Tuesday- Elder Porter and Elder Broadbent had to prepare for Zone training Meeting so I went on exchanges with Elder Bowman and Elder Devenport in the 2nd North area. They are two very great disciples of Jesus Christ!!

Wednesday- We had Zone Training Meeting! We were trained by our Sister Training Leaders, Zone Leaders, and the Assistants to the President. I learned so many things I can improve on as a missionary, which I love! After Zone training meeting we went on exchanges with the Assistants. Elder Porter, Elder Cleverly, and I worked in the 4th ward area for the day! It was SO much fun!!! We had a couple great lessons, and even though one of them I had to teach by myself because the investigator only spoke Spanish, it was amazing!

Thursday- Elder Porter and Elder Broadbent went on exchanges with the North Elders, so I went on exchanges with the 2nd South Elders ( Elder Price and Elder Kircher)! Once again I learned so much from serving with them and was able to give them some advice to best help some of the people the are teaching. We also had the opportunity to find a child of our Heavenly Father who is very prepared and we taught him the restoration while sitting on the carpeted floor in his apartment.

Friday- We had weekly planning and had a wonderful dinner with the L Family, and then we had Noche de Hogar or family home evening for all of the Hispanic members in the 4th ward, which we do every Friday.

Saturday- The highlight was definitely finding D. He is a 20 year old guy who said when he opened the door started to shake a little bit because the whole week he had been praying to God for a sign because he had felt lost. We taught him the Restoration and I was able to relate some principle of the Restoration to wrestling, since he is a wrestler too!!! 

Sunday- We had got 6 inches of snow over night so church was canceled so we cleaned up our area books and went through our phone contacts.

I am once again so grateful for the prayers that are offered for all of the missionaries serving, because as one of them, I can feel the strength! I truly know this church is the true church, with a living prophet and apostles. As a servant of our Savior Jesus Christ I testify he loves us and wants us to put of the natural man and become like him. In doing so we can feel a sense of peace as we make our way closer back to our Heavenly Father's presence!!

Elder Roberts  

This is a picture sent to my parents this week:

These are some pictures taken from Elder Jackson, my old comp who recently went home.  My mom stole these from his facebook because she hadn't seen them yet: