Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 58 - A Hindu temple and a wrecked truck, the week in pictures

I don't have time to write a lot today, but I am sending some great pictures!

We found a Hindu temple in the middle of Iowa!

Dinner with our friend J:

Me and Elder J:

The other set of elders crashed the car we shared.  It won't be fixed for a few weeks so we will be walking:

Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 57 - Great weather and lots of lessons

The summer here has been beautiful and a lot of people are very confused about why it has been so nice. It isn't that humid and not that hot, so all and all it has been great.

This week Elder Johnson and I were guided to 4 new people who are interested in strengthening their relationships with there Savior, Jesus Christ!!

On Monday we had a great P-day and hung out w/ the English Elders, threw the baseball around, and had a great time. We had a great Family Home Evening with a family that hasn't come to church in a while. We shared a message about the Restoration and had a great time getting to know them better.

Then on Tuesday we taught M who is one of the people J introduced us to. We taught him the Restoration too. Then we had a lesson with JK, and in the evening we taught one of the daughters of a member who is returning to the church, and invited her to be baptized also.

Wednesday in the morning we taught a woman who's name is H. She was also a referral from J. We taught her the Restoration in the laundry mat where J works and invited her to be baptized as well.

Thursday we had a lesson with M and B, and their son sat in on the lesson also!! J came and taught them with us and the spirit was very strong as we talked about the Book of Mormon.

Friday  we had a lesson with a family that is not to interested, but we still have faith that the spirit will soften their hearts eventually!!

Saturday we taught O, A  and M < the family we also had FHE with>.  We taught them about the Atonement and the power the Atonement and what a blessing it is.

On Sunday church was amazing and afterwards we taught O. Then we had a wonderful member lesson with the H family.

This is just a summary of our amazing week.

Elder Roberts

Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 56 - Walking this week

Hey Mom,

I am doing great.  This week without the car was just like all the weeks in Muscatine when we walked. We walked a lot but the weather was surprisingly nice.  It only rained two days out of the seven!

I got the package thank you so much!!! I have been eating the snacks like crazy!

I am happy and healthy and pumped to see miracles this upcoming week.

Elder Roberts

Monday, August 4, 2014

Week 55 - 6 weeks in Perry

Monday- We had to get our truck fixed in Ankeny which took a ton of time. Then we headed to Madrid for dinner with the Pearsons. After dinner we had a lesson with Oscar.

Tuesday- Nothing too exciting, we walked a lot to save miles.  

Wednesday- P-day.

Thursday- Transfers!! We had to go pick up another set of elders that are now serving here in the Perry branch. The are awesome Elders. Elder Dumais and Petersen.  We are now in a car share with them and walk every other week.

Friday- Had district meeting, and then had to do weekly planning.

Saturday-We had a great day we ran around like crazy getting things done.

Sunday- Testimony meeting was amazing here in Perry!! And after church we had a couple good lessons.

Elder Roberts