Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 54 - Hectic!

I don't have a ton of time since we have a ton to do today and today really isn't our P-day, but I will write you a letter this week and update you on everything.
Today is very hectic and we really only have 30 minutes to email.
Monday- P-day/ taught J about the Word of Wisdom

Tuesday- Set two baptismal dates with M and B two people we have just started to teach

Wednesday- We taught J about the Law of Chastity

Thursday- We had district meeting taught JK how to pray in ASL

Friday- Weekly planning/ O passed his baptismal interview

Saturday- Nothing too exciting

Sunday- Had church, taught M and B (O's cousin).  B told us he wants to be a member of the church too!!

Pretty good week I just don't have the time to go into details, have to teach the gospel.
Elder Roberts

Monday, July 21, 2014

Week 53 - A great week

Here in Perry we had a pretty great week, we met with the people we have been teaching, and served those who needed it!
Monday We had a normal P-day and taught J about the Book of Mormon and how to study it.

Tuesday- We had Zone conference in Des Moines for most of the day, and I learned a ton about teaching simply.

Wednesday- We saw a man whose name I will not release, but we have been teaching him,  get arrested!!! It was an interesting.... experience.  Then we taught J again, and to wrap the night up we taught O the amazing principle of living the Law of Chastity! 

Thursday- Nothing too spectacular. 

Friday- We woke up to our sewage being backed up and whenever the person above us would flush, it would go into our bathtub. Then we had some great lessons in the afternoon and evening.  

Saturday- We taught J again. After that we had an amazing experience where we were truly led to two people, S and A. They have both talked with missionaries many times, in Guatemala and Mexico, but said that there lives just got busy and they lost contact with the church. We taught them about the Restoration of the Gospel and invited them to be baptized and they both said yes!! Tonight we are going to teach again and ask 
them to prepare to be baptize on August 30th.

Sunday- Nothing out of the ordinary.

Elder Roberts

P.S.  Mom thanks for the camel, I named her Shaniqua.  And I think we finally got rid of the bed bugs.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Week 52 - Baling hay (and one year down)!

This week was different for me and Elder Johnson here in Perry. Not everything went as planned and a lot of things fell through, but we are definitely excited for this upcoming week! So here are some of the things that went on this week:

Monday- Had P-day in Ankeny, spent all of our P-day time helping a member there get their house ready to be put on the market. Then @6 we headed back to Perry and watched J play softball for a little bit. We have been teaching her for 2 weeks now and we are excited to see her be baptized in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday- We spent the whole day cleaning our apartment and making it spotless. Then we sprayed poison all over it to kill the bed bugs.

Wednesday- All of our appointments fell through other than our appointment with O. We taught him about the Word of Wisdom and he thinks it makes sense and is going to live it.

Thursday- We had district meeting here in Perry. We taught John about the Plan of Salvation, and then we went to the Ellis home to help Bro Ellis bale his hay before the storm rolled in.

Friday- We planned out next week, checked up on Sister D who we have been teaching, but she is in the hospital again. Then we had dinner with the Ellis family and had a blast.

Saturday- After all of our work to clean and spray poison everywhere it didn't matter because Elder Johnson still found 2 bed bugs in his bed....Then we had lunch with Jaime and tried to contact a lot of people with Jaime. Then we taught O about tithing and fasting, which he also understood. Finally to wrap up the night we had dinner with Jaime

Sunday- We had branch council. O came to church!! And we had some great lessons after church.

Elder Roberts

Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 51 - Perrydise, week 2

Elder Johnson and I had another amazing week here in Perrydise!!! Some of the people we are teaching were out of town so it was a little slower, but we still had a fantastic week. 

Monday- We had P-day and then visited a woman we are teaching right now. When we went there you could tell she was distraught. She was speaking super fast Spanish and we could tell something happened. She proceeded to take us down to her basement where a layer of water sat up to our ankles. We looked at each other and had no clue what to do. It smelled HORRIBLE! The whole day it had been storming pretty good and we had received some flash flood and tornado warnings on our phone. But anyway her sub pump had busted and her whole basement was flooded, and what made it even better it that she would let her dog use the restroom down there!!!! We helped her shop vac her basement and help where we could but it was a pretty crazy situation.

Tuesday- We invited J, a young woman we are teaching, to be baptized on August 9th! And she said she is excited.

Wednesday- Nothing too special that I can remember.

Thursday- We had a church tour with J and showed her the baptismal font which made her even more eager to be baptized. The spirit was super powerful in the lesson. This was my One Year mark until I go home. 

Friday- The 4th of July, our cars were grounded at 6pm so we didn't see fireworks or anything. We just taught people during the afternoon.
Saturday- We taught Jes who is from LA , and so we talked about LA a little bit and then taught him about the Plan of Salvation.

Sunday- Church was great!! The testimonies given were very powerful and J was there for all three hours!

It was another super great week, and we are truly seeing miracles and being blessed!
Elder Roberts

Zone Training Meeting in Ames, IA: